There is a daily direct flight CZ3463 that departures from Guangzhou at 08:25 AM and arrives in Lhasa at 2:00 PM. The flight takes 6 hours and costs 2930 RMB per ticket for economy class, which can be purchased with a good discount in the off-season. Further information can be found on the Guangzhou - Lhasa flight information.
2. Train from Guangzhou to Lhasa
There is only one train Z264 that departures from Guangzhou at 11:45 AM and arrives in Lhasa at 04:19 PM on the third day. The train takes 52 hours and 34 mins and costs 1762 RMB per ticket. Compared with plane, taking a train is relatively cheap, and one can appreciate the beautiful scenery along the way,and one can enjoy the spectacular scenery along the way, which includes land covered by ice and snow, boundless desert, vast grassland, clear lakes and majestic mountains capped by ice and snow.
Guangzhou - Xining /Lanzhou- Lhasa
If you want to experience the Qinghai-Tibet railway, you can fly from Guangzhou to Lanzhou, and then take a train from Lanzhou to Lhasa which takes 24 hours; or fly from Guangzhou to Xining, and then take A train from Xining to Lhasa which takes 21 hours. The train that enters Tibet from Xining is recommended for the scenery along the way is very touching. It is considered better to visit Tibet between June to October, during which the weather is amiable and the oxygen is more sufficient.