There are direct flights from Xining to Lhasa. Sichuan Airline 3U8901 departs from Xining at 11:50 AM and arrives in Lhasa at 02:25 PM. The full-price ticket is 1890 RMB/person.
2. Train from Xining to Lhasa
There are many trains leaving Xining for Lhasa everyday. Train Z917 that leaves at 14:01 from Xining and arrives in Lhasa at 11:20 AM the next day. The journey takes about 21 hours with a ticket price of 808 RMB per soft sleeper. Compared with plane, taking a train is much cheaper, and one can enjoy the spectacular scenery along the way, which includes land covered by ice and snow, boundless desert, vast grassland, clear lakes and majestic mountains capped by ice and snow.
Qinghai-Tibet Highway is the most popular highway to Tibet as most of the road to Tibet is not open for foreign tourists. However, foreign visitors are able to reach Tibet through an overland tour from Xining to Lhasa which will enable you to discover the stunning scenery along the road.