There are many flights flying from Chengdu to Lhasa every day. Air China CA4401 takes off from Chengdu at 07:25 AM and arrives in Lhasa at 10:00 AM, with a cost of 1840RMB per ticket. This flight is recommended for the duration is short and it arrives early in Lhasa, which allows plenty of time to acclimatize to the high altitude of Tibet.
2. Train from Chengdu to Lhasa
There is a direct train Z322 from Chengdu to Lhasa that departures at 21:37 and arrives in Lhasa at 9:55 AM on the third day. It takes about 36 hours and 997 RMB/person. The train from Chengdu into Tibet would not the best choice for most of the beautiful scenery along the way will be missed at night in the train. And the train leaves every other day instead of everyday, you can consult your travel agency for the timetable.